"Someone Period-ed On My F*cking Leg!?" | Superbad (2007)
Here you will find all of the most memorable moments, scenes, trailers, and more from all of your favorite comedy films. … SUPER BAD is NOW PLAYING and can be found to Rent or Buy here:...
SuperBad - Blood Brothers - YouTube
Seth AKA Jonah Hill dances with some chick and gets period blood on him, her BF trys to kick his ass. hahaSongs in the Clip.Rapture - Echoes The Notorious B....
Blood brothers scene : Superbad(2007) | Clipmaze - YouTube
Apr 23, 2022 · CLIP DESCRIPTION" Seth gets period blood on his trouser after dancing with a girl. ...more. FILM DESCRIPTION: Superbad is a 2007 American coming-of-age teen comedy film directed by Greg Mottola...
Actor credited as 'Period Blood Girl' in Superbad surprised she's ...
Feb 25, 2025 · But one of her most memorable moments as an actor was in 2007's Superbad when she starred as the 'period blood girl'. The very brief scene takes place during a house party when Seth (Jonah Hill)...
11 Of The Most Quotable Superbad Moments 10 Years On
Tonight let's reminisce the most quotable Superbad moments: 1. When Evan and Seth ran after the girl who got a breast reduction. 2. When the police were a bit too real. 3. When Seth plots how he's going to get with Jules. Seth: You know when a girl's like 'Oh God, I got so shitfaced last night. I shouldn't have fucked that guy!'
Superbad Soundtrack (2007) | List of Songs - WhatSong
Seth is at basement washing out the period in his pants when he spots the fringe which contains a lot of beer. Even goes inside a room to call Becca.
In Superbad (2007) one of the guys (left) grossed out by the period ...
Nov 8, 2020 · In Superbad (2007) one of the guys (left) grossed out by the period blood is played by Jody Hill, writer of 'Observe and Report' and "East Bound and Down'. Archived post. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. And in case anyone is wondering, he is not related to Jonah Hill.
In the movie Superbad(2007) Danny Mcbride makes an …
Mar 24, 2021 · Jody Hill is the guy that notices that Jonah Hill’s pants have period blood on them. I've seen this movie 1,000 times and never noticed that! I watched this yesterday, plus multiple times over the years and never noticed him, gotta watch it again now see who else is hiding in there. I bet he’s dropping jizz bombs all over the place 1.
Superbad film period pants scene what you doing? # ... - TikTok
Jan 8, 2024 · TikTok video from Funny Film Files (@funnyfilmfiles): “Superbad film period pants scene 🤣 what you doing? #superbadmovie #jonahhill #funnyfilmscenes #movieclips #comedyfilmscene”. Superbad Movie. Superbad period pantsSuperbad period pants 🤣original sound - Funny Film Files.
The cast of Superbad during filming. It came out ten years ago ... - Reddit
Aug 17, 2017 · When Seth (Jonah Hill) is first caught with period blood on his pants and those dudes are roasting him, McBride can be seen in the background coming out of the kitchen grabbing liquor bottles from the guy who worked at the bottle shop.