Bio-Inductive Shoulder Patch: A New Approach to Rotator Cuff …
The Rotation Medical Bio-inductive Patch biologically augments the tendon through the induction of new tendinous tissue growth of the supraspinatus tendon to help reduce the peak strain at the site of the tear and create an environment for the patient’s tendon to heal.
Rotator Cuff Repair With Patch Augmentation: What Do We Know?
Repair of massive rotator cuff tears remains a challenging process with mixed success. There is a growing interest in the use of patches to augment the repair construct and the potential to enhance the strength, healing, and associated clinical outcomes.
Regeneten Patch: Bioinductive Implant for Rotator Cuffs
The Regeneten patch is a collagen-based bio inductive implant, about the size of a postage stamp, that is inserted arthroscopically through a small incision. The patch is placed directly on top of the rotator cuff, creating a conducive environment for healing.
Bioinductive patch as an augmentation for rotator cuff repair, a ...
Jun 26, 2024 · Denotes a statistically significant difference between traditional rotator cuff repair and patch augmented rotator cuff repair.
Patch Augmentation in Rotator Cuff Repair - PMC - PubMed …
Rotator cuff repair has excellent outcomes for many patients but continues to be suboptimal for large, retracted tears, and revision procedures. In these situations, patch augmentation may be considered in order to improve healing.
REGENETEN Bioinductive Implant | Smith+Nephew USA
Augment rotator cuff repair tendon growth in partial- and full thickness tears with the REGENETEN Implant, an absorbable, porous advanced healing solution
Rotator Cuff & Shoulder Regeneten Patch Repair Surgery - Erik …
Learn about Regeneten rotator cuff patch repair surgery in Colorado. Restore shoulder strength and mobility with this innovative treatment for tendon injuries.
Rotator cuff repair with the REGENETEN Bioinductive Implant
Helps your body grow new tissue to repair the damaged tendon 4-8. Thickens the tendon by 2mm, which helps the tendon heal 3-9. When used alone, provides a faster recovery and return to activities compared to standard surgical treatment 3,9. …
“Patch” May Help Recovery After Shoulder Surgery for Rotator Cuffs
Apr 20, 2018 · This patch helps resolve partial tears of rotator cuff tendons seen in many pro athletes and “weekend warriors”. It can also help large tears caused by injury or by the degeneration of shoulder tissue due to age,” Dr. Plancher says.
Treating Rotator Cuff Tears Using the Regenten Patch
Jun 18, 2021 · Sometimes healthy rotator cuff tendon is sacrificed in order to get an adequate repair of the whole tendon. More recently, a bio-inductive implant, called the Regeneten patch has been developed to assist with healing of partial thickness rotator cuff tears.