Photo Collection: NARA Evidence Photos - Mary Ferrell
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) has taken its own high-quality photographs of some of the physical evidence in its possession relating to the JFK case. Most them are Warren Commission Exhibits.
Photo Collection: Warren Commission Document Photos - Mary …
These sets of photographs are all derived from the 50,000 page collection of files known as the Warren Commission Documents. The photos may be seen in context in the original files, but are also extracted and shown here for convenience. 398 photographs. Click on any thumbnail image to view the photos in that set.
Warren Commission Report Chapter 3 | National Archives
Dec 6, 2023 · IN THIS chapter the Commission analyzes the evidence and sets forth its conclusions concerning the source, effect, number and timing of the shots that killed President Kennedy and wounded Governor Connally.
Single-bullet theory - Wikipedia
The Warren Commission found that this gurney was the one that had carried Governor Connally. [4] In its final conclusion, the Warren Commission found "persuasive evidence from the experts" that a single bullet caused President Kennedy's throat wound, and all of the wounds found in Governor Connally. [5]
Warren Commission Exhibit CE-399 - The Magic Bullet
This article offers high-resolution government photographs of the bullet that that Warren Commission says caused all of Governor Connally's wounds. You are then shown bullet fragments that the Warren Commission says came from that bullet.
Appendix 10 | National Archives
Aug 15, 2016 · The particles from the test bullet are a part of Commission Exhibit No. 857 and are depicted in photograph designated as Commission Exhibit No. 859. 333 That skull was depicted as Commission Exhibit No. 862.334
Single Bullet Theory - Mary Ferrell
Much of the early critiques of the Warren Report focused on the implausibility of the "single bullet theory", wherein the Commission attempted to explain how Oswald had killed President Kennedy and wounded Governor Connally with just three shots.
AARC Public Library - Warren Commission Hearings, Volume XVII
CE 568 - Comparison photograph of Commission Exhibit No. 567 and a test bullet fired from the C2766 rifle. (PDF: 73 K) CE 569 - Fragment of the base of a bullet, found in the front of the Presidential limousine following the assassination.
28 Warren Commission Exhibit Stock Photos & High-Res Pictures
The trajectory of the bullet that hit John F. Kennedy in the back and exited his neck. Included as an exhibit for the Warren Commission. Ca. 1964.
Warren Commission Exhibits on this Website - JFK assassination
Photograph of opposite side of wall shown on Commission Exhibit No. 1008, with all paraphernalia In place as of Apr11 10, 1963, and also showing bullet exit hole. 657 1010
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