Wii U ports | GBAtemp.net - The Independent Video Game …
Jan 31, 2025 · I really appreciate the work that the homebrew community is doing with the Wii U. Apps, ports, and other cool things. I wanna know if there are more ports like Sonic Mania, GTA 3 and GTA Vice City that i could play on my Wii U?
The Wii Ports ultimate thread - GBAtemp.net
Feb 8, 2025 · Wii port changes i could spot: * Release 3: - Wii Classic Controller support. - Wii U Pro Controller support. - Proper Wiimote controller support, though the mappings are not too optimal. * Release 4: - Finishing v1.0 demo datafiles is now possible. - Shadows glitch on screen 5 are fixed. - Demos now exit instead of erroring out when completing ...
Best Wii U-To-Nintendo Switch Ports
Aug 31, 2021 · @The_New_Butler I'd take the wii u droughts any day, over the switch's library of ports, & games that look like up-rezzed 3ds games. Also the Wii U & switch are in fact very dissimilar as pieces ...
Is it possible to have more game ports for the wiiu?
Jan 31, 2025 · The Wii U can handle most of these projects as the games that are getting these treatments are not extremely taxing. The most complex games we've seen are GTA 3 and Vice City, and they run fantastic on the Wii U. Sonic Mania does yield some slowdown in the 3D special stages, but otherwise that runs great too.
Why the Lack of Wii U Homebrew and Ports? - GBAtemp.net
Jan 31, 2025 · well the console flopped and barely sold anything, then the homebrew scene didnt grow due to lack of interest and gx2(wiiu gpu) is poorly documented making it hard to any any port with hardware acceleration and the switch is an imidiate sucess so most people jumped to the next ship, so its a mixture of many factors really.
Jan 28, 2025 · The Wii U had native 1920x1080 games and the only games that are 1920x1080 on Switch right now are almost entirely Wii U ports. Sure, the Wii U games Nintendo made generally ran at 1280x720, but Smash 4 for example is 1080p @ 60FPS.
Potential Switch Port Round-Up - The Wii U Games That Haven't …
May 27, 2020 · There is no need for wii u ports, we need new games. If you either missed or simply want to play wii u games, then buy a wii u. They are fairly cheap tbh. 4; 97; StephenYap3; Wed 27th May 2020;
Super Mario 64 Port - Wii U - Wii U | GBAtemp.net
Jan 31, 2025 · Once you join the server, there is a channel dedicated to the Wii U port. You can find the instructions there. This port can be played with the Gamepad, Wiimote+Nunchuck, Wii Classic Controller and Wii U Pro Controller! (One thing to note is that the L button has been mapped to the (-) minus button) There are two control schemes: 1.
Removing the current limit on USB ports on Wii U
Jan 28, 2025 · My experiments with raising the current limit on USB ports on the Wii U. I wanted to share my experience with increasing the current limit on USB ports for the Wii U console. I’ve successfully done this a few times, though it does require some work. At the end, I’ll also describe an alternative...
Ship of Harkinian (Ocarina of Time) Wii U Port - GBAtemp.net
May 10, 2022 · This is a port of Ship of Harkinian to the Wii U. Ship of Harkinian is a PC port of Ocarina of Time allowing you to enjoy the game with modern controls, widescreen, high-resolution, and other great features! Check out the awesome project here! Quick Start Requires a supported copy of the game...