UI Elements are in the Wrong Place in World of Warcraft
World of Warcraft UI Scaling Issues. If you're experiencing issues with the UI in World of Warcraft such as blurry text or incorrectly scaled elements follow these steps. Transfer WoW Token to …
Black Screen - World of Warcraft - Blizzard Support
If you encounter a black screen at startup or during gameplay, follow the steps below to solve the problem: Reset your WoW settings through the Blizzard Battle.net App: Options > Game …
Taking a Screenshot - Blizzard Support
To take a screenshot, press the Print Screen (Prt Scr) key while in a game. Screenshots are saved in the following locations:
Long Loading Screens in World of Warcraft - Blizzard Support
Mouse Stops Working in World of Warcraft. An software interaction with discord is causing issues with mouse and keyboard inputs in World of Warcraft. Returning to World of Warcraft - Where …
World of Warcraft UI Scaling Issues - Blizzard Support
If you're experiencing issues with the UI in World of Warcraft (for example, blurry text, incorrectly scaled elements, UI windows too big or small) follow these steps: Check the UI Scale setting …
Quest Log Empty - Blizzard Support
World of Warcraft The War Within 11.1 - Common Issues Quest Log Empty. Updated: 1 day ago Article ID ...
Black Screen In Warcraft III: Reforged - Blizzard Support
This can happen if you are playing Warcraft III: Reforged in fullscreen mode. To resolve this, please follow these steps :
Using Wowhead's Quest Completion Tool - Blizzard Support
After your character loads, you can select a region and zone. This will display all the quests that you have not completed in the zone, as well as show a map for the starting points of the …
Edit Mode Option is Greyed Out in World of Warcraft
Current World of Warcraft Modes and Versions. Information about the current ways you can play World of Warcraft, such as Modern or Classic, and special game modes such as Plunderstorm …
Pet Missing from Pet Journal - Blizzard Support
They do not generally transfer when characters move to a different Blizzard account. If you have transferred a character between Blizzard accounts, or if you have had a World of Warcraft …