Yellow-naped Amazon - eBird
Large, green parrot of tropical lowlands, mainly in drier areas. Uncommon. Found in semiopen areas with forest patches, big trees, and forest edges. Most often seen flying overhead early and late in the day, often fairly high and usually in pairs or loose groups made up of pairs.
Large Fig-Parrot (Yellow-naped) - eBird
Learn about Large Fig-Parrot (Yellow-naped): explore photos, sounds, and observations collected by birders around the world.
Yellow-naped Parrot - eBird
Large, green parrot of tropical lowlands, mainly in drier areas. Uncommon. Found in semiopen areas with forest patches, big trees, and forest edges. Most often seen flying overhead early and late in the day, often fairly high and usually in pairs or loose groups made up of pairs.
Yellow-naped Parrot - Predictive performance metrics - eBird
These six charts represent technical metrics for evaluating the quality of the models.
Yellow-naped Parrot - eBird
Loro grande de tierras bajas tropicales, principalmente en zonas más secas. No es común, se encuentra en áreas semiabiertas con parches de bosque, árboles grandes y en bordes de bosque. La mayoría de las veces se les ve volando por encima, temprano o en la tarde, usualmente muy alto en parejas o grupos pequeños compuestos de parejas. Note el pico gris obscuro y la cabeza verde con la ...
large fig-parrot (Yellow-naped) - eBird
Aprenda mais sobre large fig-parrot (Yellow-naped): explore fotos, sons, e observações coletadas por observadores de aves do mundo todo.
Yellow-naped Parrot - Downloads - eBird Status and Trends
Abundance Downloads Relative abundance is the estimated average count of individuals detected by an eBirder during a 1 hour, 2 kilometer traveling checklist at the optimal time of day for each species.
Yellow-naped Parrot - Range Map - eBird Status and Trends
The range map depicts the boundary of the species' range, defined as the areas where the species is estimated to occur within at least one week within each season.
Great-billed Parrot - eBird
A large green parrot with a massive red bill and prominent yellow markings on the wings. In flight, shows yellow underwings. Found singly or in pairs or small groups within forest, mangroves, and plantations in lowlands and foothills. Distinguished from Blue-backed and Black-lored Parrots by yellow wing markings.
Yellow-naped Parrot - Abundance Map - eBird Status and Trends
Relative abundance is depicted for each season along a color gradient from a light color indicating lower relative abundance to a dark color indicating a higher relative abundance. Relative abundance is the estimated average count of individuals detected by an eBirder during a 1 hour, 2 kilometer traveling checklist at the optimal time of day for each species.