Fanbyte EverQuest :: An EQ Community, Wiki, and Database Site
Jan 15, 2025 · Fanbyte EverQuest is your ultimate destination for EQ information featuring a database, wiki, strategy guides, forums, chat rooms, images, videos and more.
EQ:Progression Servers :: Wiki - EverQuest :: ZAM
May 22, 2024 · Explanation of the Voting System (Fippy, Vulak, Ragefire and Lockjaw) The Ragefire server (and the former servers Fippy, Vulak, and Lockjaw) uses a voting system to determine whether each new expansion will unlock.
Ring of the Shissar :: Items :: EverQuest :: ZAM
Oct 9, 2008 · Lore: This key unlocks the portal to Emperor Ssraeshza's chambers. Once activated this key unlocks the achievement, Ring of the Shissar, removing the need for you to store the physical key.
Spells :: EverQuest :: ZAM
Searches name, description and casting messages. (min: 3 characters, max: 75 characters) Search For: Class:
Orb of Mastery :: Items :: EverQuest :: ZAM
Mar 13, 2015 · For some reason the focus effect of "Minion of Eternity" doesn't work on the epic pet. The epic pet spell, "Manifest Elements", is flagged as a lvl 59 Magician spell, and the Minion of Eternity focus works on pets lvl's 59-75.
EQ:Hotzones :: Wiki :: EverQuest - ZAM
Dec 8, 2010 · New and Improved Hotzone System as of April 20, 2016. Patch message April 20, 2016: Hot Zones now randomly rotate between three possible zones for each level range and are currently set to rotate every 3 months first of January, April, July, and October.
Talisman of Vah Kerrath :: Items :: EverQuest :: ZAM
A lot of epics, for example, have pictures on here that show an effect as it was at creation, and then the stats of the item Alla has differ substantially. The differences are ultimately that a special worn effect became a lot less special, and 4/5 of what it used to do is just a number on the item description now.
Innoruuk's Curse :: Items :: EverQuest :: ZAM
Everquest Item Information for Innoruuk's Curse. So I took a guildies advice. I did 1.5 prequest took 2 hours. Then I did 1.5 took 4 hou
EQ:Expansions :: Wiki :: EverQuest :: ZAM
Mar 16, 1999 · EverQuest has had thirty expansions. Up to Claws of Veeshan are free for all. Purchasing the newest expansion grants the previous missing one also.
Ton Po's Bo Stick of Understanding :: Items :: EverQuest :: ZAM
Feb 26, 2020 · Everquest Item Information for Ton Po's Bo Stick of Understanding. holy cow i can't believe this but i just get home from work and do my usual bazaar checks for items which ton po is a check i do for and rarely have i ever seen one of these in bazaar and when i have always around 200k. so i check and see 2 of them way unusual. 1 for 185k and another for …