Flexjet Class Dates - Airline Pilot Central Forums
Jan 15, 2025 · Flexjet - Flexjet Class Dates - Hello, I interviewed with Flexjet August 2024 CAE KDFW. Received a phone call from the recruiter with a CJO. She mentioned classes full for 2024, and no new classes until Jan / Feb. 2025. I have emailed the recruiter & one of the On Boading specialists for any updated information.
Flexjet Schedules, Etc? - Airline Pilot Central Forums
Jul 31, 2019 · Flexjet - Flexjet Schedules, Etc? - Howdy Peeps, Can someone please post in plain-speak fashion FlexJet work schedules? Of these work schedules, what can a new hire hold? What can a new hire expect with respect to assigned airframe? (present and future) How does class seniority work? (assuming there is a protocol) TIA
FlexJet Phone interview - Airline Pilot Central Forums
Aug 21, 2024 · Flexjet - FlexJet Phone interview - I'd sure appreciate hearing from anyone who's had their Flexjet phone interview recently. I'm doing mine on Monday afternoon. It's scheduled for just 30 minutes; I'm guessing it's going to be mainly general HR questions, but it's been a long time since I last interviewed with anyone
Flexjet Interviews - Airline Pilot Central Forums
Sep 21, 2017 · The only problem is a Flexjet offer would make it harder to pursue Kalitta. My crystal ball is broken darnit-all. Ask yourself why so many 10-20 yr pilots are leaving Flexjet right now or should I say flight options.
Flexjet simulator/training partners - Airline Pilot Forums
Dec 3, 2022 · Flexjet - Flexjet simulator/training partners - I understand after new hire indoc class you're sent out to the professional simulator organizations for whichever aircraft you've been assigned. Whom does Flexjet use for their primary simulator training for the Phenom, Legacy/Praetor, and Challenger? Also, primary
Flexjet: One year in - Airline Pilot Central Forums
Feb 23, 2018 · Flexjet - Flexjet: One year in - I just passed my 1 year mark at FJ and I thought I would post what I thought about my employment so far and maybe help answer any questions for those thinking about coming to FJ. Interview: The interview is a 3 part process: -1 Skype interview -2 Panel interview at HQ in CLE. For the
Outlook For Long-Term Career at FlexJet - Airline Pilot Forums
Mar 18, 2023 · Flexjet - Outlook For Long-Term Career at FlexJet - I am considering Flexjet as a career destination. I expect a lot of people might tell me that is a horrible idea, but before you do, know that I have been doing a ton of research on airlines and fractional operators. Here are important reasons as to why I feel Flexjet
Flexjet - Airline Pilot Central Forums
5 days ago · Flexjet - Fractional Operator. ### It is against the APC Forum Rules to advocate any labor action which is not authorized by the RLA/NMB.
DRL vs ILC - Airline Pilot Central Forums
Feb 18, 2023 · Flexjet - DRL vs ILC - I’m looking for some insight into the DRL and ILC programs. Seems like there’s plenty of info on the PBS side of the schedule but I haven’t found too much on the others. I like the idea of flying a Gulfstream internationally, but I’ve heard the schedule and pay are lacking on the FO side compared
Flexjet Pilots it is simple! - Airline Pilot Central Forums
Apr 18, 2018 · FlexJet pilots have forever and a day been scared shi!@less of their own shadows and of a union. They are most anti-union group of pilots that have ever graced our skies and are deserving of whatever comes down from Ken Ricci and company.