grammar - "me and her (verb)" or "she and I (verb)"? - English …
Sep 7, 2023 · I, she and he are subjective pronouns. You use these when they are the subject of the sentence or the 'doer' of the action. Me, her and him are objective, used when they are the …
Does she have / Has she usage - English Language Learners Stack …
Nov 26, 2017 · • She has a child. Questions for the above example: Does she have a child? (This could be the common question for the above sentence as far as I know) My question is, Is it …
pronouns - Who's that - this ? Or Who's he - she? - English …
May 4, 2020 · Both pairs of phrases are perfectly acceptable. Which to choose depends on context. "Who is this" or "Who is that" makes sense when you can refer to the person (perhaps …
Which of these is correct, “She doesn't has” or “She doesn't have”?
Why is the first sentence wrong? We use 'has' with singular, and 'she' is singular. Yes certainly. 'She' is third-person singular. The verb 'does' is a singular too. Now what makes the distinction …
verbs - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
Jun 13, 2016 · The two times may both be long ago, maybe she was nominated in 1962 and in 1973. But she still has the status of having been nominated two times. It reminds me of the …
The Church: it or she? - WordReference Forums
Dec 1, 2010 · The translator has to make that basic decision, whether the author refers to 'church' as 'she' mistakenly, because the pronoun is 'she' in the original language, or does the author …
She got the eye. - WordReference Forums
Feb 23, 2020 · Naturally, upon seeing 'she got the eye', I thought, 'It's some men who tried to hit on her, not vice versa.' Not really? Say, I had a girlfriend, and a friend of mine told me, 'She …
Does it have or has? - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
Nov 6, 2018 · Sometimes I've got the same doubts about if ungrammatical say 'does has' instead of 'does have'. In my mind show me up immediately the verb to be, and then I think in basic …
grammar - As is/ as it is- meaning - English Language Learners …
Do as is and as it/he/she/they is/are mean the same thing? Here are a few sentences: He's very good looking as (he) is, he doesn't even have to try to impress me. Things are good as (they) …
future time - "Will come" or "Will be coming" - English Language ...
Jun 4, 2016 · At least in British English, "I will be coming..." is more polite and less decisive. "I will come tomorrow" implies either that it is important or essential that I come soon, or that it is …